Basics of Heraldry with an emphasis of Greek Heraldry

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Divisions don’t divide us

Field Divisions

The Field is the background of the shield.

per pale or and argent

Per Pale
Split in half vertically

Per fess or and argent

Per Fess
Split in half horizontally

per bend argent and or

Per Bend
Split in half diagonally from right to left (remember that the right and left of the shield assumes you are behind it holding it)

per bend sinister argent and or

Per Bend Sinister
Split in half diagonally from left to right

per chevron argent and or

Per Chevron
With a inverted V shape

per saltire argent and or

Per Saltire
Split diagonally both ways

quarterly argent and or

Also known as per cross. Divided into 4 quarters.

gyronny argent and or

Divided both Quarterly and Per Saltire


Divisions don’t divide us