VP Recruitment

This entry is part 4 of 24 in the series Elections Program


  • Serve as the leader of the Recruitment Team and facilitate team meetings
  • Plan and execute all primary and informal recruitment processes
  • Work with the Marketing Team to develop recruitment shirts
  • Work with VP New Member to plan and execute bid day
  • Plan and execute Recruitment Training School (RTS) and Polish Week for the chapter
  • Form and oversee Recruitment Committees
  • Have bi-weekly calls with Membership Growth Specialist
  • Attend monthly (or biweekly near recruitment time) Panhellenic meetings with the Panhellenic Recruitment Chair and the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life.
  • Attend weekly Officer Board Meetings
  • Attend Monthly EC Meetings

Skills and Qualities

  • Ability to communicate effectively her passion for membership in Alpha Gamma Delta
  • Understanding of the campus culture and what it takes to be competitive
  • Experience presenting in front of groups of people
  • Respect of and inspiration to her chapter sisters
  • Ability to think strategically and critically about different situations
  • A vision for the chapter’s continued progress and growth
  • Proven track record of being organized
  • Skills in Excel and other relevant technology
  • A love of developing event ideas and event planning


  • Attend Panhellenic Meetings
  • Participated in formal recruitment on the chapter side
  • Play an active role in Initiation services
  • Office Hours at the House: 5 hours per week
VP Recruitment Dangle

VP Recruitment
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