Serve as the leader of the Recruitment Team and facilitate team meetings
Plan and execute all primary and informal recruitment processes
Work with the Marketing Team to develop recruitment shirts
Work with VP New Member to plan and execute bid day
Plan and execute Recruitment Training School (RTS) and Polish Week for the chapter
Form and oversee Recruitment Committees
Have bi-weekly calls with Membership Growth Specialist
Attend monthly (or biweekly near recruitment time) Panhellenic meetings with the Panhellenic Recruitment Chair and the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Attend weekly Officer Board Meetings
Attend Monthly EC Meetings
Skills and Qualities
Ability to communicate effectively her passion for membership in Alpha Gamma Delta
Understanding of the campus culture and what it takes to be competitive
Experience presenting in front of groups of people
Respect of and inspiration to her chapter sisters
Ability to think strategically and critically about different situations
A vision for the chapter’s continued progress and growth
Proven track record of being organized
Skills in Excel and other relevant technology
A love of developing event ideas and event planning
Attend Panhellenic Meetings
Participated in formal recruitment on the chapter side