VP Academic Excellence

This entry is part 3 of 24 in the series Elections Program


  • Serve as the leader of the Academic Excellence Team and facilitate team meetings
  • Implement scholastic strategies for sisters in need including Scholarship Improvement Plans
  • Prioritize the overall academic success of the chapter
  • Communicate with members regarding Good Standing status due to scholarship concerns
  • Coordinate and Facilitate Annual Academic Achievement Recognition
  • Attend weekly Officer Board Meetings
  • Attend monthly EC Meetings

Skills and Qualities

  • Strong personal academic record
  • Respect of her chapter sisters
  • Knowledge of the academic resources available on campus
  • Experience mentoring others and giving guidance based on personal experiences
  • Ability to keep information private
  • Love of praising sisters for their hard work and patience with those who need assistance


  • Play an active role in Initiation services
  • Office Hours at the House: 5 hours per week
VP Academic Excellence Dangle

VP Academic Excellence
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