- Chapter President
- VP Chapter Wellness
- VP Academic Excellence
- VP Recruitment
- VP Finance
- VP Administration
- VP Member Experience
- VP New Member Experience
- VP Event Planning
- VP Marketing
- VP Campus Relations
- VP Philanthropy
- Director of Property
- The Chapter Wellness Team
- The Academic Excellence Team
- The Recruitment Team
- The Finance Team
- The Administration Team
- The Member Experience Team
- The New Member Experience Team
- The Event Planning Team
- The Marketing Team
- The Campus Relations Team
- The Philanthropy Team
Directors who have strong communication and facilitation skills, a love of developing and educating people, an understanding of the most important challenges facing college women, a proven track record of being organized, and have the respect of and are of inspiration to her chapter sisters.
Director of Senior Experience
- Hold position for Academic Year (August 2022-May 2023)
- Coordinate and facilitate the Legacy Project
- Lead initiatives for senior engagement and retention
- Collaborate with VPME for Senior Celebration Week
- Coordinate Senior Sisterhood Events
Director of Engagement
- Responsible for gathering and analyzing data on chapter retention
- Create and Assist with chapter connection opportunities in
collaboration with other officer positions - Lead initiatives and strategize on chapter engagement and retention