Chapter President

This entry is part 1 of 24 in the series Elections Program


  • Prioritize the overall well-being of the chapter and promote chapter harmony
  • Maintain Chapter Calendar
  • Facilitate Officer Board Meetings and Officer Check-Ins
  • Attend Monthly Executive Council Meetings
  • Lead all Chapter Business Meetings
  • Provide general supervision of all officers’ performance of their duties
  • Represent the Chapter in an official capacity on campus and to IHQ
  • Determine Chapter Committees
  • Reside on numerous committees
    • Fine Work Off Committee
    • Elections Committee
    • Excuse Note Committee

Skills and Qualities

  • Experience presenting in front of groups of people
  • Experience managing both people and projects
  • Proven track record of being organized.
  • Established relationships with campus professionals and other student leaders
  • Respect of both her chapter sisters, advisors, and the campus community
  • Leadership that is inspirational to her chapter sisters


  • Live in Chapter Housing*
  • Have served as a chapter officer (EC experience preferable)*
  • Be a member of the Junior class (will be Senior in Fall 2025)*
  • Attend the Academy for Collegiate Officers or International Convention
  • Play an active role in Initiation services

*these can be waived with EC and Chapter Development Manager approval

Chapter President Dangle

Chapter President
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