Sober Monitor Draft Order List

people toasting wine glasses

How do we pick who will be the Sober Monitors?

  1. All Volunteers are taken first.
    1. Too Many Volunteers? Volunteers who have not yet served this academic year will be taken in initiation order. Higher initiation order gets higher priority on their volunteer choice.
  2. Members will be assigned based on the list below. The list ranking is based on:
    1. The date you last did Sober Monitor
    2. If the date last did Sober Monitor ties, then it will be in Reverse Initiation Order

How many Sober Monitors do we need? We will need different numbers of Sober Monitors at each event based on the attendance on OUR guest list. We need a sober monitor for every 20 guests on OUR guest list

  • Socials with a Frat we submit Alpha Gam’s members to attend to the GCSU Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Frat submits theirs. Each group is responsible for Sober Monitors for their members. (Usually 4-6 are needed.)
  • On Date Nights/Formals, everyone’s name is submitted by Alpha Gam. We are responsible for Sober Monitors for our members AND guests. (Usually around 10-16 are needed.)

Sober Monitor Draft Order List
